Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sitting up

We will give him credit since it is on film... he is officially sitting up now.  He has just started to go from crawling across the room to turning and sitting up today.  Still too wobbly to let him go it on his own, but we had some practice time in the bed today (mommy was being super lazy this morning at 6:15).  He thought it was great to sit and then fall over into pillows and a soft bed.  (in seeing these photos, his daddy claimed "what is he wearing? he looks like baby Peter Pan...)

The last picture is from when Grammy GG was here.  She tuckered him out so much that he fell asleep eating!

think this may be what they call "tripod" (hands down on the ground)

talking to us

looking at Mommy who is trying to make him smile

too much excitement for the day


  1. Grammy gg said she had a great time! He is getting so big! Now that he is crawling, it's time to baby proof! Have fun. They grow up way too fast! Love,Aunt Nancy

  2. Cason, you make a cute Peter Pan. Love, Grammy
