Lots of new tricks this month. I think this was your second biggest month for change. You started out the month barely sitting and crawling commando style to now crawling on your hands and knees and easily sitting up. You are quite the mover now and can get anywhere you want to very quickly. Lastly, you also just figured out how to pull up using us as your ladder. We are amused as you try relentlessly to get onto your feet and hands and try to stand up, but you just don't have the core strength to pull up yet. We give you a week or two and you will be there. However with all these new skills comes restless nights. You are our 2:30 wake up call each night and we find you stuck, sitting up in the crib, crying out until we come in and lay you back down. Sometimes it take two-three rounds before you stay down and are convinced we haven't abandoned you. Lately it has just been once, so I am hoping that our attempts at sleep training will pay off and you won't wake soon.
You also loves all sorts of new toys. The best is Jayden and whatever he is playing with at the moment. Other than that you have learned to press buttons to make things sing and love the new blocks you just got. You still love your lovies and "need" them to fall asleep now. We have an army of them as they get pretty disgusting from all your slobbery love.
You are seriously the best eater and have mastered all the veggies and fruits we could think of to throw at you. Your new ones this month included plums, blueberries, prunes, mango, papaya, butternut squash and corn. We have started to mix them together now and have come up with some interesting combinations. We are supposed to start "protein" now, but haven't had the courage to make all the crazy food combos as they kinda sound terrible. You ready for chicken and peaches puree? yum!
We love you little guy.
Mommy and Daddy
hard to snap him laying down with Pooh Bear now |
no need for the couch to prop him up |
crawling skills |
dinner |
so big now |
learning colors |
getting interested in books now |
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