Monday, January 17, 2011

Milk does a body good!

Well a little too good when it comes to Cason.  We had a quick doctor's appointment to get a shot today and he got weighed.  He weighs a whopping 10lbs even!!!  Holy smokes!  That is a gain of over 2lbs in 3 weeks.  We are now putting him on the food every three hours time limit diet.

So I also survived my first solo car trip with him.  We made it to the doctors office and back with no fussing.  Then we went to the office today to meet everyone and get my computer updated for changes to our system.  He stayed awake the whole 2 hour excursion.  When we left to go home, I pushed it a little too far and had a VERY loud car ride home.  Luckily we live close and it was less than 5 minutes of an unhappy baby.

So I also broke out the Ocean playland for Cason and he is mesmerized for a good 20 minutes by everything.  Thanks Melinda and Sam!


  1. Glad to hear he is doing so well--as he gets older you will be able to plan your outings when you know he is happy--it was about a half an hour window for Michael and it didn't matter for Brian--looking forward to meeting him! Nancy

  2. Sounds like he is trying to keep up with his cousins.
