Monday, January 31, 2011

Lazy weekend

Well I had to recover this weekend from my week with grammie GG.  So we were very boring this weekend and enjoyed the rainy weather and relaxed at home.  Cason got to visit with his cousins on Saturday and his Nana and Auntie Alice on Sunday.

Cason is also making his mommy's life better and sleeping better.  Yea!  He went to bed at 10:30ish and got up at 4:00 and 7:00ish.   There is a light at the end of the tunnel... we are moving slowly towards it.

Cason's favorite monkey and lion

His stylish SF shirt from Auntie Alice

Cason was a sleepy one on Alice's shoulder and wouldn't pose for the camera

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Busy week with grammie

We had a very busy week with grammie GG in town to help out.  I got to sleep in each day and we got lots done for the week.  However, grammie was amazed how fast the day goes with a 6 week old.  Every time she asked for the time her jaw dropped with the answer I gave.  "Where does the day go?!?!" she asked.  Time flies when you are having fun.  Cason loved being cuddled constantly and snuggled up on her shoulder everyday.  He also introduced her to a few crazy diaper changes and lots of laundry.  We got out to do some shopping, errands, and some walks.  Thanks mom for the great visit.

Cason ready to hit the town

Diaper change and food on the go - we prepped well for our days out

Cason's favorite spot this week - grammie GG's shoulder

He doesn't look like a little infant here!!!  Big boy clothes on.

Oh the LA shirt... don't show daddy... he's a Giants fan!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The green burrito

I am so happy we discovered the Miracle* blanket!  Here is my little green burrito.  Cason is swaddled up in this every night and conks out about 30 minutes after being swaddled.  He is getting better and better every night after we purchased this.  He was going to bed in the beginning at 1am without the blanket and escaping from our attempts to swaddling with a normal blanket.   Cason is now down at 11pm after about 2 weeks.  Hopefully we will be at 10pm by next week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Newborn photos

We had a photographer come to the house for newborn photos a few weeks ago and just received the CD with the pictures today.  So here are a few of them.  Cason is 2 weeks old here and just about 8lbs per our estimate.  He has changed quite a lot in the past 3 weeks.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Going "old school" - laundry room

Where are those babies that wake up with a smile on their face?  Not in this house!  Cason goes from peaceful sleeping baby to a fussy baby in 2 seconds and lets you know with a single loud squawk when waking up.  I have learned that the squawk is the warning cry.  If you aren't there in the next 15-20 seconds you will be sorry.  I ask Cason every morning "Where is your snooze button???"

Yesterday he was extra fussy in the late afternoon and every destraction we had in the house he enjoyed for only 5 minutes.  He went from the bouncy chair, to the Ocean gym mat, to the swing, bouncing on mom's knee, cuddling on the couch, being in the baby bjorn, and just being held walking around the house with a pacifier.  It was exhausting... one of the walking times we walked into the laundry room with the washer and dryer going.  Cason's eyes widened and he got quiet... so we went old school and used the dryer trick which relieved me for 15 minutes.  Don't worry all you grandmas... I stood there the whole time to make sure he didn't fall off.  :)

Cason in the warm, loud, laundry room

Monday, January 17, 2011

Milk does a body good!

Well a little too good when it comes to Cason.  We had a quick doctor's appointment to get a shot today and he got weighed.  He weighs a whopping 10lbs even!!!  Holy smokes!  That is a gain of over 2lbs in 3 weeks.  We are now putting him on the food every three hours time limit diet.

So I also survived my first solo car trip with him.  We made it to the doctors office and back with no fussing.  Then we went to the office today to meet everyone and get my computer updated for changes to our system.  He stayed awake the whole 2 hour excursion.  When we left to go home, I pushed it a little too far and had a VERY loud car ride home.  Luckily we live close and it was less than 5 minutes of an unhappy baby.

So I also broke out the Ocean playland for Cason and he is mesmerized for a good 20 minutes by everything.  Thanks Melinda and Sam!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

One month old

Well we made it through the first month!  Cason has gotten a lot bigger (we will see on Monday at the doctors how big that is), can focus on faces, and is pretty much out of his newborn clothes.  He is starting to make lots of little noises now, is starting to look at toys, and we think he just started to smile back at us today (pretty sure they weren't gassy smiles, still testing him).

What I have learned this week being on my own is the following.  
  • It is amazing how good anything tastes at 3:00 when it is the first thing you have eaten for the day.
  • I have never taken a faster "hot" shower in my life - in and out in under 4 minutes
  • How do the people on Days of our Lives still look the same as they did when I was 12???  (I swear I only watched it for 5 minutes, but it is amazing)
  • It is possible to not leave the house for 5 days and still feel ok
  • Lastly, I am going to have a really strong left arm from cradling him to feed!
Here are pictures from today - one month old.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter walk

On their way back from Tahoe snow vacation, the Stough grandparents stopped by for the weekend to visit Cason.  We went out for dinner on Friday with Cason, and got a night off as they babysat on Saturday night and we got to go to a movie.

By the view of the pictures you would think we lived in the snow country.  On Saturday we got a new stroller and had to try it out.  We went for a walk with the grandparents and decided to bundle up Cason as it was actually 45 degrees in the Bay area.  He was still a little small for the outfit, but it did the job and he slept for 2 hours as we walked around downtown Willow Glen.

Poppa hanging out with a very awake grandson

Starting out for our chilly walk

He was super comfy bundled up in this suit

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bath Time

We had our first full bath!  To say the least, Cason did not exactly love the experience.  However, I am not sure if he hated the water or the fact that he was so wiggly that he bonked his head a little on the side of the tub which startled him and it was downhill from there.  Good job parents!

Cason enjoyed the second experience much more, until he had to get his head wet.   The picture is of the first experience!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

Happy 2011!  Well we didn't stay up until 12:00 this year, but we enjoyed the additional sleep Cason gave us by him falling asleep at 10:30 on Friday night.  So we celebrated with the New York crowd and watched the ball drop at 9:00pm on TV.  However, we did make it out to dinner at Capers in Campbell and Cason was perfect and stayed asleep the entire time in his car seat.  We felt human again getting to be at a restaurant.

Ryan and Jeannette arrived on Friday afternoon to visit on their way up to Lake Tahoe to go skiing.  I am very jealous and will be missing the great snow we have this year.  They went out to a friends in Oakland for New Years and then hung out with us on New Year's day watching football and relaxing around the house.  I guess Steve and I were feeling confident with Cason as we decided to go out to lunch and dinner with them on Saturday.  We learned that as long as Cason is full, he will sleep the entire time we are out.  I am not sure how long this rule of thumb will last but we are taking advantage of it.

Here are some pics of Cason with Uncle Ryan and Auntie Jeannette.