Where are those babies that wake up with a smile on their face? Not in this house! Cason goes from peaceful sleeping baby to a fussy baby in 2 seconds and lets you know with a single loud squawk when waking up. I have learned that the squawk is the warning cry. If you aren't there in the next 15-20 seconds you will be sorry. I ask Cason every morning "Where is your snooze button???"
Yesterday he was extra fussy in the late afternoon and every destraction we had in the house he enjoyed for only 5 minutes. He went from the bouncy chair, to the Ocean gym mat, to the swing, bouncing on mom's knee, cuddling on the couch, being in the baby bjorn, and just being held walking around the house with a pacifier. It was exhausting... one of the walking times we walked into the laundry room with the washer and dryer going. Cason's eyes widened and he got quiet... so we went old school and used the dryer trick which relieved me for 15 minutes. Don't worry all you grandmas... I stood there the whole time to make sure he didn't fall off. :)
Cason in the warm, loud, laundry room |