I haven't done an update for my second born in awhile. Sorry Rory! Rory had her 15 month appointment when she turned 16 months and I am posing it when she turns 17 months old. Rory outpaced her brother at this point and was 33 inches tall (off the charts 95th percentile + as the dr. marks it) and 25.1 lbs (75%). So a big kiddo for her age. She exceeds in all areas of activity… walking, running, climbing, following directions, etc. She has 6 teeth all coming in at once. By the time she is 18 months she will have almost all of them in. Rory can also use sign language to communicate everything. She can sign, milk, more, all done, yes, no, sorry, thank you, please, dog, bird, and/or points to get what she wants. This also means she has no need to talk. She still doesn't talk with only Dada and Mama being her only words to date. So now we need to work on getting her to talk. It is pretty hard to do when we are all used to signing to her. We will say … " Rory say milk" and she will sign it. "No Rory, 'Say' milk." and she frowns and signs it again. She has just learned how to "smile" for the camera, here are her first "cheeses" from our goof ball.