Well our weekend did not turn out the way we planned it to be in the slightest. We had lots of fun plans which were all foiled at 9am on Thanksgiving morning. On Thursday morning Cason stood up on a book which slipped on the hardwood floors which twisted his leg. Immediate crying and screaming occurred and kept going for 45 minutes including Cason saying "Knee - Owie". So we headed off to the ER on Thanksgiving day to get him checked out. 3.5 hours later, X-rays, lots of iPhone apps to entertain, and doctors, he was cleared to go with no fractures and a prescription of ibuprofen to ease the pain.
Well fast forward to Sunday, we have ruled out he knee and hip being the problem and have determined it is somewhere in the foot. There is no bruising, very minimal swelling if any at all and he doesn't mind us touching it, putting socks on, changing him. After another doctor's trip as Cason is not walking after 3 days claimed it was most likely a sprain and he will walk again when he determines it is ok. So we have to just wait and see at this point. Cason has adapted and now crawls, scoots, stands up with his knee bent holding his foot up like an injured puppy, and calls out for us to pick him up to get around. It makes the days EXHAUSTING picking up a 28lb almost 2 year old dozens and dozens of times a day.
Hopefully he will heal up soon and we can resume our lives with an active running toddler.
Day after Thanksgiving - Cason insisted if he had to wear a hat, we all had to wear a hat |
making funny faces with Nana and Dada |
unable to walk... sitting on the steps |