The months go quickly around here and things are busy. Our little "tree hugger" is a busy boy and keeps us going! He is just at 25lbs at his last appointment a month ago.
He is slowly adding words, but is in love with animal sounds. He knows a TON and some made up ones by Momma and Dada! He will say the sound when asked "what does the ____ say?" to the following:
Cow, horse, pig, duck, goose, cat, dog, snake, bee, gorilla, turtle, catepillar, squirel, goat, sheep, dinosaur, bear, tiger, lion, fish, owl, wolf, spider (ewww! per Momma), chicken, elephant, alligator, monkey, and zebra, and I am sure a few others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
He loves being outdoors and playing with any type of ball. Here he is on 4th of July!
has to touch every tree as we walk by |
pat, pat, pat |