Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy 2nd birthday Cason!

Happy birthday to our amazing little 2 year old.  You fill our lives with an abundance af joy and laughter.   We love you very much.  Momma and Dada

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My little helper

Cason helped out with decorating the tree last weekend.  He was very interested in the lights, not so much with the ornaments.  The tissue that the ornaments were in on the other hand gave the most laughs as he piled it up and then jumped into it, repeatedly.   The tree and house lights are offically up as of Sunday.  Overall it came out well with one limping baby, one daddy hobbling around from knee surgery, and a 6 month pregnant momma.  I am amazed we even got this far.



Friday, November 30, 2012

Still not walking

Well it has been a week now and we still don't have a walking 2 year old.  He has taken about 4-5 steps very gingerly without complaint, but still prefers to crawl ans scoot.  This week it has rained almost every day so he hasn't missed out on much activity and can still keep up with Jayden for the most part.  Every day we see improvement, it is just slow going.

We are having to come up with new ways to entertain him now.  Here we are making brownies for the first time.

licking the spoon for the first time

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving weekend

Well our weekend did not turn out the way we planned it to be in the slightest.  We had lots of fun plans which were all foiled at 9am on Thanksgiving morning.  On Thursday morning Cason stood up on a book which slipped on the hardwood floors which twisted his leg.  Immediate crying and screaming occurred and kept going for 45 minutes including Cason saying "Knee - Owie".  So we headed off to the ER on Thanksgiving day to get him checked out.  3.5 hours later, X-rays, lots of iPhone apps to entertain, and doctors, he was cleared to go with no fractures and a prescription of ibuprofen to ease the pain.
Well fast forward to Sunday, we have ruled out he knee and hip being the problem and have determined it is somewhere in the foot.  There is no bruising, very minimal swelling if any at all and he doesn't mind us touching it, putting socks on, changing him.  After another doctor's trip as Cason is not walking after 3 days claimed it was most likely a sprain and he will walk again when he determines it is ok.  So we have to just wait and see at this point.  Cason has adapted and now crawls, scoots, stands up with his knee bent holding his foot up like an injured puppy, and calls out for us to pick him up to get around.  It makes the days EXHAUSTING picking up a  28lb almost 2 year old dozens and dozens of times a day.
Hopefully he will heal up soon and we can resume our lives with an active running toddler.  

Day after Thanksgiving - Cason insisted if he had to wear a hat, we all had to wear a hat
making funny faces with Nana and Dada
unable to walk... sitting on the steps


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

pics from this week

walking to breakfast with Auntie Alice

up to no good

a 45 minute nap resulted in us going to the mall to quell crankiness - Disney store cartoons!  he is in awe.

always stalking Sloanie

sums it up - our little King

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

First trip to the Zoo

We made it out to the Oakland Zoo a few weekends ago and Cason loved seeing all the animals and riding the train.

saying "zoo!"


watching the monkies which were very loud

the lions were at the top of the hill

getting sleepy

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Our first Halloween in a house in Willow Glen, what an experience.  Well I have never personally had more than 20-30 trick-or-treaters so we were not prepared for the Willow Glen experience.  We started out carving our pumpkin around 5:30 and went out with Cason to the houses on our street.  We got back to our house around dusk at 6:45 and the kids started coming.  We bought over 200 pieces of candy and only lasted an hour.  At 7:45 we had to shut off all the lights and lock the doors since we ran out of candy.  Next year we will need to be better prepared for the masses.

Cason is directing the process

going out for candy

Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween playdate

We had a small playdate at our house with the kiddos and the two new babies for Halloween.  It was great to see everyone as it has been too long since we had most of them together.  They had a great time playing with trains, trucks, cars, puzzles and general exploring the house.  We wrangled them together for a quick photo op which was entertaining to try to get them all in one place and looking up.  I did not succeed at getting that picture, if anyone else did, can you send it over?
He looks 'much' more grumpy then he was

Green Dragon

Cason and Frankie

Cason, Frankie and Riley


Impossible to get the almost 2 year olds attention to look up

Finley and Frankie

the newest additions Ethan (2 months) and Finley (1 month)

boys playing cars