Sunday, November 27, 2011

Children's Discovery Museum

Today we went to the Children's Discovery Museum in downtown San Jose.  Cason is a little young for the museum, but it looks like it will be a lot of fun in the future.  They do however have a "crawlers" room which is made for little ones that can't quite walk.  Cason had a blast in there and creeped and crawled all over the place.  The room was perfect for his age and we stayed in there for over an hour exploring every nook.  Lots of entertainment!  Looking forward to going back soon.

coming out of the mirror nook
mirror nook

Looking at the alligator and turtle toy

walking along

birdie sounds

looking outside

this made the alligator in the box open and close his mouth

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Cason enjoyed playing with his cousins on Thanksgiving night.  Lots of new toys kept Cason very happy!


playing with the trucks

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rough week

Well this darn little bug took over our lives last week.  Cason was sick on Monday, he bounced back pretty quickly but Tuesday night both parents were knocked out and were up all night sick.  A big thanks to Tina for coming over early to pick our little guy up as we could barely function on Wednesday.   The bug lasted 24 hours for us, but we still felt "off" for a few more days.  Then Tina fell to the mighty bug on Friday and was sick.  We have been busy trying to make up the time at work and haven't had much time for anything else.

Cason is still practicing his standing and few steps around the house.

almost nap time

love my animal ring pillows

living room = toy box


balance, balance...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eleventh month

Happy 11th month little guy.  We have been a busy bunch here and a sick bunch as of late.  This will be a quick letter to you as we continue to fall ill around here.  You had your first throw up experience on Monday after breakfast, you then went about your day and continued to play like nothing happened.  Unfortunately you spread the bug to daddy, who has taken ill this evening and went to bed around the same time as you.

You are such the little walker now, though we can't give you credit for officially walking yet.  You can stand on your own without holding onto anything and we have seen 3 steps, but you still like to crawl to get places as that is faster.  You love your walker and can really motor on that thing.

You have dada down pat now, and can say "no dada" when you don't want to do something. You started to clap and get very excited when we cheer you on.  You know quite a few signs  and can even sign "finished" and "kitty".  You just love to take everything apart.  It now amuses you for hours.  We just have to put things in a box and you will take them out over and over again.

We love you, even if you get us both sick.

mommy and daddy

our little grumpy one

almost got a smile

Add caption

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Super busy week with the adjustment to daylight savings time, somehow Cason missed the memo and didn't want to alter from his schedule.  One funny thing about him is that as he gets tired he starts to giggle. He gets into hysterics as you change him for bedtime if he is overtired.  It has been quite entertaining the past few days as we try to push his schedule back 15 mins each day.  Not too many pics this week.

Caught him already stealing from the mommy coffer.  Well, more like playing...  He loves my wallet and finds it wherever it is.   Unless I put my purse somewhere up high, he finds it and drags the wallet out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Discovery of the piano

Jayden's house has a piano, and look who is tall enough now to discover it.