Happy 11th month little guy. We have been a busy bunch here and a sick bunch as of late. This will be a quick letter to you as we continue to fall ill around here. You had your first throw up experience on Monday after breakfast, you then went about your day and continued to play like nothing happened. Unfortunately you spread the bug to daddy, who has taken ill this evening and went to bed around the same time as you.
You are such the little walker now, though we can't give you credit for officially walking yet. You can stand on your own without holding onto anything and we have seen 3 steps, but you still like to crawl to get places as that is faster. You love your walker and can really motor on that thing.
You have dada down pat now, and can say "no dada" when you don't want to do something. You started to clap and get very excited when we cheer you on. You know quite a few signs and can even sign "finished" and "kitty". You just love to take everything apart. It now amuses you for hours. We just have to put things in a box and you will take them out over and over again.
We love you, even if you get us both sick.
mommy and daddy
our little grumpy one |
almost got a smile |
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