Yea Cason, such a big boy! Six months! You have become such an active little one. You are on your knees ready to crawl, but still not "officially" there yet. You aren't quite sitting yet, but we are pretty sure it is cause you just can't sit still long enough to care about sitting up. You just want to move!
You are very ticklish and laugh out loud every time we find those great spots. We can get you to laugh and talk to us, but you are shy with others.
Also, everything goes into your mouth and you are obsessed with tags this past month. You don't care about anything other than the tag on everything you hold. You have radar for them and will even find the smallest tag on a stuffed animal.
You have been eating solids for two weeks now and have had sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, peaches, and carrots. You are not a fan of peas so far. You are a very eager eater, but once those peas show up, those lips are locked close and you get mad that we are not serving something more tasty. We are trying apples, avocado, pears, squash, and zucchini next.
The best part is you are becoming quite the sleeper. You only wake at night if you have a dirty diaper and are doing better on naps. Now to get you out of the car seat 100% of the time. It has been our fall back cheating tool to get you down when you are fussy.
Happy 6 months little man!
6 months with Pooh Beah |
Pooh Bear got some loving this time |
Cason got excited and tried to crawl to Pooh Bear |
Didn't sit still for long |
I want to crawl... |
ok I will try to go this way |
bye pooh bear... |
sitting up with a little help |