Saturday, September 10, 2016

Welcome Merrick!

It has been a month!
Merrick Edward Tracy Johnston was born on August 11th at 9:00pm, 8lbs12oz and 21 inches long.
Everyone is getting used to the new addition.  Some pictures from the last month.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Summer Recap #3

Darby, Montana!  So beautiful and such a great experience.  The kiddos loved being outside all the day and night.  Lots of pictures...

Boppa's horses

bearded one...

Boppa and Boo Boo

going to the barn

Boppa's house





Visiting the neighbor horses every night - it is almost 9:00pm when this was taken



making the horse snorting sound

saying hi to all the "nice ants" - and she dressed herself… 

practicing for the future

sprinkler fun… it was hot!